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Journal of Transport Literature, Volume: 10, Issue: 4, Published: 2016
  • Custo de transporte e alocação da demanda: análise da rede logística de uma produtora brasileira de fertilizantes nitrogenados Research Directory

    Pereira, Alessandra Andrade; Oliveira, Murilo Alvarenga; Leal Júnior, Ilton Curty

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Distribuição Logística é uma importante vantagem competitiva quando a empresa atende a demanda de um cliente com menor custo. O presente estudo consiste em analisar o problema de alocação de clientes devido à inserção de novas unidades de fertilizantes nitrogenados no desenho da rede logística, minimizando o custo de transporte e, portanto reduzindo o custo do processo de distribuição do produto uréia. Através da aplicação do Problema Clássico de Transporte, foi realizada a revisão da rede logística realocando os clientes considerados estratégicos pela empresa XPTO à nova configuração da rede logística utilizando como critério o custo de transporte otimizado. Verificou-se que a realocação da demanda dos clientes estratégicos em função da aquisição da Unidade de Fertilizantes Nitrogenados no estado do Paraná proporcionou a mais significativa redução nos custos de transporte para a distribuição da uréia dentre os quatro cenários propostos. Portanto o trabalho corrobora com a teoria sobre a necessidade de revisar a rede logística quando novas instalações são inseridas na mesma.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Distribution Logistics is an important competitive advantage when the company serves customers demands with lower cost. The present study aims to analyze the problem of customers' allocation due the insertion of new nitrogen fertilizers units in the logistic networking desing, minimizing transportation costs and hence, in the product's distribution process of urea. by applying the Classic Transport Problem was realized the review of logistics network relocating customers considered strategic by the company XPTO to the new configuration of the logistics network using as criteria the cost-optimized transport. It was found that the relocation of demand from strategic customers due to the acquisition of Nitrogenous Fertilizer Unit in Parana state provided the most significant reduction in transportation costs for the distribution of urea among the four proposed scenarios. So the work confirms the theory that is necessary to review the logistics network when new facilities are inserted in it.
  • Segurança de pedestres em rotatórias urbanas Research Directory

    Souza, Johnny Vieira de; Raia Jr, Archimedes Azevedo

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Dentre as várias técnicas para abrandar as causas perniciosas provenientes dos cruzamentos no trânsito estão as rotatórias, dispositivos viários de melhor eficiência e menor custo, que têm como finalidade simplificar a interseção, para que o tráfego que se ali interage tenha um desenrolar seguro. Embora venha sendo muito utilizada no trânsito urbano brasileiro, as rotatórias priorizam o veículo motorizado devido à falta de infraestrutura, seja por opção ou carência de conhecimento técnico, para que principalmente o pedestre tenha igual segurança. Para aferir quais são os indicadores que levam a esta situação nos dispositivos, foram utilizados cinco rotatórias em São José do Rio Preto e cinco em São Carlos e proposto um confronto de conceitos técnicos entre especialistas, através do método AHP, literatura especializada e realidade constatada in loco, para verificar possíveis similaridades e diferenças existentes entre definições, conceitos e opções. Chegou-se à conclusão que a literatura e os especialistas no assunto defendem os pedestres como prioridade de projeto, implantação, infraestrutura e manutenção, entretanto os dispositivos não estão aptos a segurança dos mesmos.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Among the various techniques to mitigate the pernicious causes from the crossings are in traffic roundabouts, road device better efficiency and lower costs, which are intended to simplify the intersection so that traffic that there interacts have a safe conduct. Although it has been widely used in the Brazilian city traffic, roundabouts prioritize motor vehicle due to lack of infrastructure, whether by choice or lack of technical knowledge, that mainly pedestrian has equal security. To assess what are the indicators that lead to this situation in the devices were used five roundabouts in São José do Rio Preto-five in San Carlos and proposed a confrontation of technical concepts between specialists using the AHP method, literature and reality found in site, to check for possible similarities and differences between definitions, concepts and options. Came to the conclusion that literature and the experts advocate pedestrians as project priority, implementation, infrastructure and maintenance but the devices are not able to safety.
  • The scientific research context of urban transports for Bus Rapid Transit systems applications Research Directory

    Neuenfeldt Júnior, Alvaro Luiz; Siluk, Julio Cezar Mairesse; Paris, Sabine Ritter De

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Across history, transportation of people and cargo has been highly relevant for economic and social development, directly reflecting the evolution of how society is organized, culminating in the current forms of urban demographic organizations. Therefore, studies regarding urban mobility optimization are nowadays very relevant to scientific community. Hence, the main objective of this study is to identify the scientific context of urban public transport management for applications focused on Bus Rapid Transit systems (from 2009 to 2014), allowing visualization of possible opportunities to increase the level and number of contributions to these systems, through the development of a bibliometric analysis. It was possible to conclude that six articles are directly linked with this research field, establishing the theoretical framework to conduct further studies.
  • Detecção de padrões de mobilidade urbana em dia atípico a partir de sistema de bilhetagem eletrônica: análise das viagens na RMRJ durante o carnaval Research Directory

    Oliveira, Gabriel T. de; Silva, Alan Jeferson de Oliveira da; Nassi, Carlos David

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Este artigo foca na análise de padrões de mobilidade urbana durante os dias de carnaval da cidade do Rio de Janeiro a partir de dados do Sistema de Bilhetagem Eletrônica do programa de subsídio ao transporte de passageiros do Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, o chamado Bilhete Único Estadual. Os padrões em termos de quantidade de transações, de distribuição modal e horária e de distribuição espacial da origem são analisados de forma comparativa àqueles encontrados em dias típicos de semana e de fim de semana. O estudo conclui que a utilização de dados do Sistema de Bilhetagem Eletrônica permite aos agentes públicos responsáveis e às operadoras a melhor elaborar esquemas operacionais para grandes eventos como o carnaval. Recomenda-se para tanto, que o SBE seja de fato único entre todos os modos e categorias tarifárias.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article focuses on the analysis of urban mobility patterns during the days of carnival city of Rio de Janeiro from data of the Electronic Ticketing System allowance to transport passengers of the State of Rio de Janeiro program , called Ticket State only. The standards in terms of number of transactions , modal distribution and time and spatial distribution of origin are analyzed comparatively to those found on typical weekdays and weekend. The study concludes that the use of the Electronic Ticketing System data enables responsible public officials and operators to better elaborate operational schemes for large events like the carnival. It is recommended to do so, the SBE is the one fact among all the modes and pricing categories.
  • An investigation of factors influencing performance of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): applications in transportation Research Directory

    Nash II, Don; Mwakalonge, Judith L.; Perkins, Judy A.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This study investigates the effect of speed, tag and reader location, vehicle speed, and over-shadowing on RFID performance. The study tested two reader/antenna heights and three tag locations. Three vehicle speeds were tested for each tag location including the simultaneous placement of RFID tags on the vehicle. The study results show, with tags individually placed on the vehicle, the appropriate position for a tag is on the vehicle windshield, and the reader/antenna set at 7ft above the ground on a signpost. Placing multiple tags on the vehicle simultaneously improved the signal strength and detection rates. Vehicle speed had a negative effect on tag detection rate; that is, at higher vehicle speeds the detection rate decreased. With respect to horizontal distance between the reader and the tag, the results show that, the closer the tag and reader are to each other the higher the signal strength and so is the detection rate.
  • Peak hour evaluation - a methodology based on Brazilian airports Research Directory

    Paulo Filho, Dilson Pereira; Müller, Carlos; Wang, Paulo Tsai

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This paper aims to establish a new methodology to calculate the design peak-hour passenger based on Brazilian Airport data. First, a cluster analysis using the Ward Hierarchical Method is applied grouping similar airports in terms of annual passenger throughput and EPH (Equivalent Peak-Hour). Then, we proceed with the calculation of the coefficients of variation of the aggregated hourly passenger throughput of the last seven years of the airports in each cluster. We propose the peak-hour for each airport cluster to be determined at the point where the stability of these coefficients is reached. We conclude by estimating a relationship of our proposed design peak-hour passenger as a function of the variables used to determine the clusters.
  • Ensaio sobre os nós das redes logísticas Research Directory

    Lima Jr, Orlando Fontes

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O objetivo deste ensaio é discutir, sob o prisma epistemológico e em alguns aspectos ontológicos, os nós das redes logísticas. Analisando-se a literatura técnica e a pratica relacionada a este tema nos últimos 70 anos percebe-se algumas mudanças de paradigmas na definição e na função destes nós. Nesta discussão são considerados três elementos indicativos de rupturas epistemológicas. Serão eles mudanças nos aspectos semióticos, nas relações causais e no contexto. Em termos semióticos, os pontos de término ou de início de um movimento de mercadorias e pessoas sempre foi objeto de estudo e de atenção dos acadêmicos e dos práticos da área de transportes e de logística. Diversas relações causais e modelos explicativos para entendimento e representação de operações logísticas tratam os nós das redes logísticas como componente essencial das cadeias de suprimentos e vem se alterando ao longo do tempo. Em termos de contexto duas são as grandes alterações que condicionam a logística e consequentemente os nós de suas redes. São elas: as diferentes eras econômicas e a alteração do objeto movimentado. Porto, aeroporto, terminal, centro logístico ou plataforma logística: Qual o termo mais adequado? Depende do contexto de sua utilização e do papel exercido pelos mesmos na rede logística, todos são pontos fixos das redes sócio técnica informacionais que garantem os fluxos locais e globais..

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The purpose of this essay is to discuss, under the epistemological prism and some ontological aspects, the nodes of logistics networks. Technical literature and practices related to this theme in the last 70 years to show some paradigm shifts in the definition and function of these nodes. In this discussion, we consider three elements to indicate epistemological ruptures: the semiotic aspects, the causal relationships and the context. In semiotic terms, the end or begin points of a goods and people movement has always been an object of study and attention of academic and practical area of ​​transport and logistics. Several causal relationships and explanatory models for understanding and representation of logistics operations treat the nodes of logistics networks as an essential component of supply chains and has been changing over time. In terms of context there are two major changes that affect logistics and hence nodes of their networks. They are: the different economic eras and the transformation of object moved. Port, airport, terminal, logistics center or logistics platform: What is the most appropriate term? It depends on the context of their use and the role played in logistics network, all are fixed points of networks that ensure local and global flows.
  • Avaliação empírica dos impactos competitivos de regras regulatórias de redistribuição de slots em aeroportos Research Directory

    Oliveira, Alessandro V. M.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O presente trabalho visa efetuar um estudo empírico dos efeitos do congestionamento da infraestrutura aeroportuária sobre o poder de mercado das companhias aéreas, com ênfase na dominância de slots. A partir de um modelo de escolha do tipo logit aninhado agregado, foi estimada uma modelagem econométrica de poder de mercado relativo das grandes e médias empresas, de forma a permitir decompor os determinantes da conduta competitiva no mercado, e em especial, os efeitos da concentração de frequências de voos em poucas firmas de grande porte. Para o estudo do comportamento das empresas, utilizou-se um modelo de equilíbrio competitivo de jogos em concorrência de preços do tipo Bertrand-Nash estático. Foram discutidos os possíveis efeitos de uma redistribuição de slots em favor de empresas com menor participação de mercado, a partir de resultados da modelagem empírica. Por fim, foram feitas recomendações de políticas públicas para o transporte aéreo brasileiro.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This paper develops an empirical model of the effects of congested airport infrastructure on the market power of airlines, with emphasis on the dominance of slots. By utilizing the parameters of a nested logit model estimated with aggregate data, I develop an econometric model of relative market power for major and medium-sized carriers, aiming at decomposing the determinants of competitive conduct in the market - in particular, the effects of the concentration of flight frequencies on a few major airlines. The behavior of firms in the market is modeled by a static Bertrand-Nash price competition model. I present a discussion of possible effects of a redistribution of slots in favor of smaller carriers, based on the results of the empirical model. Finally, some policy recommendations to the Brazilian air transport are presented.
  • Fleet size and fare optimization for taxi under dynamic demand Research Directory

    Yao, Baozhen; Jin, Lu; Cao, Qingda; Gao, Junjie; Zhang, Mingheng

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract In this paper, a bi-level model is proposed, which considers the benefits of taxi driver and passenger. The upper-level model is a bi-objective program. The first objective is to minimize the waiting time of passenger in rush hour. And the second objective is to maximize the income of the driver for one day. The lower-level model is a demand function model, calculating the demand of taxi based on given fleet size and fare. The lower-level model can show the influence of fleet size and fare on the potential demand. At last, the taxi current condition of Dalian city in China is chosen to test the proposed method. The results show that the increase of fleet size can attract potential demand. But the degree of attraction mostly depends on the waiting time of passengers and taxi fare. Furthermore, both fleet size and fare of tax in Dalian are on a low level. It is necessary to increase the fleet size and the fare in the meantime.
Sociedade Brasileira de Planejamento dos Transportes Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Tecnologia - Pavilhão Rio Japurá - Setor Norte, Av. Gal Rodrigo Otávio, n. 3000, Coroado, CEP 69077-000, Tel.: (55 92) 3305-4613 | 3305-4607 - Manaus - AM - Brazil