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(Updated: 2023/06/20)



Brief Background


The Aurora Journal of Philosophy (Qualis A1) is a publication in continuous format of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR). Since 1988, it has been publishing research results to collaborate with the training and activities of philosophers and other professionals in related areas. In addition, the Aurora Journal of Philosophy publishes unpublished scientific articles, reviews, translations, and interviews by peer review among the editorial board members and the specialized scientific community in a double-blind review system, that is, both the names of the reviewers and the authors will remain confidential.



Open Science Compliance


In order to follow the Open Science Criteria, the Aurora Journal of Philosophy will follow the Open Science Green and meet the following criteria:

A. The Aurora Journal of Philosophy accepts manuscripts that are available as preprints, except papers that are not unpublished or published elsewhere;
B. The Aurora Journal of Philosophy recommends that authors deposit their research data in Open Repositories (SciELO DATA, bioRxiv, Preprints, among others);
C. The Aurora Journal of Philosophy also recommends that adjacent manuscript data (numerical data, computer application codes, documents, and other content) be submitted in the Other Annexes section so that they can be fully evaluated in the peer and blind review process;
D. The Philosophy Journal will publish, in each issue:

1. the name of the editor in charge;

2. the list of the reviewers responsible for the manuscript evaluations – identified with their respective ORCID – as well as, when necessary and by common agreement, the opening of identities between the author and reviewers; and

3. the manuscript opinions. For this, authors and reviewers must accept the terms and conditions mentioned above.



Ethics in Publication



The Aurora journal has a code of ethics for publication that follows the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) standards of good practice:

a) Publication Decision: the decision may rely on the decision of the other editors and reviewers in double-review and blind-review processes;

b) Fair Play: the scientific/intellectual content makes no distinction of any kind between authors or their political positioning;

c) Confidentiality: the Journal does not disclose any of the authors' data, preserving their records, except when authorized by the author.

d) Conflicts of interest: editors, reviewers, and authors should not comment when there is a conflict of interest with the Journal. Aurora does not admit insider information, false or plagiarism, and practices that violate the previous assumptions or the civil/penal legislation in force in Brazil.

Ethical Commitment

The Journal follows the ethical publishing standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Practices of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification, and data fabrication are not permitted. These scientific misconducts are defined respectively by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences:

  • Plagiarism involves the appropriation of ideas and works from third parties without proper credit;
  • Self-plagiarism or republication of already published scientific results as if they were new, without informing the previous publication;
  • Falsification or manipulation of data, procedures, and results;
  • Fabricating results and records as if they were real;

The Journal adopts the Ithenticate system for identifying plagiarism at the time of manuscript submission.



Focus and Scope

  The Aurora Journal of Philosophy (Qualis A1) is a publication in continuous format of the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR). Since 1988, it has been publishing research results to collaborate with the preparation and performance of philosophers and other professionals in related areas.  


Digital Preservation


The Journal is hosted on PUCPR's Periodical Portal, which guarantees the preservation of its digital content in two ways. First, security copies (backups) are made daily. The Journal is also published in SCIELO, where the texts are in PDF and HTML format. This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy program.



Indexing Sources



Bibliographic Journal Information

  • Journal title: Revista de Filosofia Aurora
  • Short title: Filos. Aurora (Online)
  • Publication of: Curitiba PR: PUCPRESS (Social Reason Associação Paranaense de Cultura)
  • Periodicity: Annual
  • Publication type: Continuous publication
  • Year of publication: 1988


Websites e Social Media






The Aurora Journal of Philosophy adopts Open Science practices in its editorial policies: it accepts to evaluate manuscripts deposited in preprint servers; it requires citation, referencing, and declaration of research data and, finally, it promotes the peer review evaluation process.



Peer Review Process


The Journal publishes scientific articles, reviews, translations, and interviews adopting the peer review process among members of the board of reviewers or the specialized scientific community in a double-blind review system, that is, both the names of the reviewers and the authors will remain confidential. All reviewers are linked to Brazilian or foreign universities, and the processes will respect the following criteria:

1. After manuscript submission, the editors will send the document to 2 reviewers within ten days;

2. The reviewers will have 21 days to send their review, marked as i. Approved for Publication; ii. Not Approved for Publication; iii. Modifications necessary for a new evaluation;

3. If there is a tie in the technical result sent by the reviewer, the editors will send it to a third reviewer, who will also have a period of 21 twenty-one days;

4. In the case of a review requesting modifications for a new review, the author will have a period of 30 days to resubmit the manuscript;

5. Authors who do not meet the above criteria will automatically be rejected;

6. The above deadlines may vary depending on the operational capacity of the Journal and on the sending of the reviews.

The Aurora Journal of Philosophy, following the recommendations and policies of Open Science, publishes manuscripts deposited in Open Repositories (SciELO Data, bioRxiv, Preprints, among others), as well as submits its articles to the Peer and Blind Review process. Besides, it discloses in each issue published:

  • the name of the Editor in charge;
  • the list of Referees responsible for the Evaluation of the manuscripts - identified with their respective ORCID - as well as, when necessary and by common agreement, the opening of identities between the author and the referees; and
  • the Manuscript's reviews.


Open Data


The Aurora Journal of Philosophy embraces transparency and openness in research processes and content, following the Guidelines for Promoting Transparency and Openness in Journal Policies and Practices – TOP from ScieLO. Accordingly: 

  • It is recommeded that all data, codes, and materials underlying, the article and used in the conception and execution of the research be properly cited in the text and listed in the references section, preferably with a persistent identifier such as DOI;
  • All articles resulting from original research should be submitted with a section titled “Data Availability” indicating whether the dataset is available and where to access it;
  • It is reccomended that authors check whether their article adheres to appropriate standards for the research subject/type of study to disclose key aspects of the research Project and data análisis before submiting;
  • During submission, authors should indicate wheter there is a study preregistration of the analysys plan and where to access it;
  • The Aurora Journal encourages the submission of replication studies, particulary those based on studies published in this journal. 


Open Access Policy

This Journal offers immediate free access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

The Aurora Journal of Philosophy does not charge fees for processing and submission to authors. The rights to explore the contents of the articles belong to the Aurora Journal, and its sharing or citation is allowed within the current legal norms. This Journal uses the 4.0 International Creative Common license

The datasets generated by the research must be stored in a repository, here is a list of recommended repositories and their citation and reference performed following the Research Data Citation Guide, made available by Scielo.




  The Aurora Journal of Philosophy does not charge fees for processing and submission to authors.  


Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy


The Editorial Committee is committed to the principles of impersonality, transparency, and confidentiality in the evaluations, preserving the rights of the evaluators, authors, and institutions involved in the editorial process. 

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are examined using plagiarism detection software (Authenticate). If plagiarism, self-plagiarism (text recycling), or redundant publication is identified, the editors will take action following the guidelines of the Editorial Ethics Committee - COPE and will consider the possibility of suspending the evaluation process or retracting a publication (in Errata format).

Errata and Retraction Policy

The COPE and Council of Science Editors guidelines are followed for article correction. Based on these sources, there are three methods for correcting scientific literature:

Errata: refers to amendments in parts of the article. Corrections can be made to the title of the article, authors' names, and typographical or layout errors;

Retraction: refers to partial corrections of the article due to methodological errors, incorrect data analysis, scientific misconduct, or non-reproducible research. There is also the possibility of removing the entire article from the Journal's page;

Expression of concern: refers to the publication of a warning by the Editor when there is concern about the reliability of an article. However, the information is insufficient to justify a retraction.

The editors will review all communications that point out problems in a publication, whether minor or significant. Requests for corrections should be sent to the e-mail address of the Editor responsible for the Journal. If the editors confirm the allegations, they may ask authors to correct occasional errors or mistakes, or they may consider retracting a publication based on COPE and Council of Science Editors guidelines for correcting articles.

The editors can consider retracting a publication when:

1. Authors refuse to correct errors or mistakes when asked to do so by the editors;
2. There is clear evidence that the research findings are unreliable, either as a result of a robust error, invention (e.g., of information), or falsification (e.g., image manipulation);
3. There is plagiarism, self-plagiarism, or redundant publication;
4. Research findings have been previously published elsewhere, and there is no citation, communication of the fact to editors, permission to republish, or justification;
5. Contains information or materials without permission to use;
6. Copyright has been infringed, or there is some other relevant legal issue (for example, in the use of images without permission);
7. Presents unethical research;
8. It has been published solely based on compromised or manipulated peer review;
9. The authors have not disclosed a material conflict of interest that, in the editors' view, would have unduly affected the interpretations of the manuscript or the recommendations of the editors and referees.

The editors will not consider retracting an article when:

1. There is a dispute over publication authorship but no reason to doubt the validity of the research findings;
2. The main research findings are still reliable, and any errors can be corrected;
3. The editors have inconclusive evidence to support retraction or are awaiting additional information, such as that from institutional research;
4. Authors' conflicts of interest were communicated to the Journal after publication, but from the editors' perspective, they did not influence the article's interpretations or conclusions.

The author responsible for the article must make the correction request and writing. If there is disagreement among the authors about what is being corrected, the journal editor is responsible for writing the correction. The erratum, retraction, or expression of concern will be published as soon as possible, with the article remaining on the Journal's page with the suggested correction.



Policy on Conflict of Interest


Conflict of Interest of Authors, Reviewers and Referees

Authors, proofreaders, and reviewers must immediately inform the editors if they have personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial conflicts in the manuscript evaluation. Thus, the Authors must communicate such an impediment at submission, while the referees must do so on the form. The manuscript review form has a "Conflict of Interest" option, at which point the proofreader/review may decline/refuse to participate in the review process.



Adoption of similarity software


Plagiarism Check and Exclusivity of Texts

The Aurora Journal of Philosophy uses the Ithenticate plagiarism identification program at the stage of assigning submissions. In addition, the Aurora Journal requires that the manuscript must not have been submitted to any other journal. Submission of work outside of such conditions automatically implies the suspension of the author from publishing in the Journal.



Gender and Sex Issues


The Aurora Journal of Philosophy is a channel for diffusing philosophical knowledge and is committed to publishing works that reveal an ethical commitment to the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, as part of its editorial policies. 

That is why it follows The Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER, assuming the commitment to report sex and gender information in the study design, data analysis, results, and its interpretation process. 

In addition, it intends to continue encouraging research on themes that meet these values so that scientific publications represent an effective commitment to transform society. This can also be seen in the publication of thematic dossiers that contribute to the reflection around these themes. To this end, it also promotes such policies among the members of its board, in which country diversity, knowledge areas, gender, and race/ethnicity are maintained, among other criteria that ensure the breadth and inclusion of different views.





Copyright Policy

The authors grant the exclusive right of first publication to the Journal, and the work is simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license. This license allows third parties to remix, adapt and create from the published work, giving due credit for authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are permitted to enter into additional contracts separately for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., publish in an institutional repository, on a personal website, publish a translation, or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.



Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


The rights of exploration of the contents of the articles belong to the Aurora Journal, being allowed its sharing or citation within the current legal norms. This journal uses the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.



Sponsors and Promotion Agencies



The journal is financed by funding agencies such as CAPES and CNPq, as well as by the Pro-Rectory of Research of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná and the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy of PUCPR. The journal maintains a cooperation program with the PUCPRess publisher, responsible for the processes of revision and editorial typing. Currently, the Aurora Journal has active financing in the CNPq Call 15/2021 - Process 402445/2021-0 and Call 16/2022 - beginning of term Jan.2023









Executive Editors

  • Antonio Valverde, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Departamento de Filosofia, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail:


Editorial Comission


International Scientific Council

  • Bas C. van Fraassen, Princeton University, Department of Philosophy, San Francisco State University, United States. ORCID, E-mail:
  • Ernest Sosa, University of Rutgers, Department of Philosophy, New Jersey, United States. ORCID, E-mail:
  • Shaun Gallagher, The University of Memphis, Department of Philosophy, Memphis, United States. ORCID, E-mail:
  • Stathis Psillos, University of Athens, Department of Philosophy, Athens, Greece. ORCID, E-mail:
  • Ásta Sveinsdóttir, San Francisco State University, Department of Philosophy, San Francisco, United States. ORCID, E-mail:  
  • Chon Tejedor, University of Valencia, Department of Philosohy, Valencia, Spain. ORCID, E-mail:
  • Diana Ines Perez, University of Buenos Aires, Department of Philosophy, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ORCID, E-mail:
  • Susan Haack, University of Miami, Department of Philosophy, Miami, Florida, United States. ORCID, E-mail

National Scientific Council

  • Darlei Dall´Agnol, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Filosofia, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail:
  • Ernani Pinheiro Chaves, Universidade Federal do Pará, Departamento de Filosofia, Belém, PA, Brazil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail:
  • João Carlos Salles, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Departamento de Filosofia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail:
  • João De Fernandes Teixeira, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Filosofia, São Carlos, SP, Brazil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail:
  • Nythamar De Oliveira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Filosofia, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail:
  • Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto, Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia, Departamento de Filosofia, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail:
  • Franciele Petry, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Filosofia, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail:
  • Sofia Inês Albornz Stein, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Departamento de Filosofia, São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail:

Board of Reviewers






Manuscript Submission System / Instructions for Authors


In the manuscript submission, the normalization criteria available on the Journal´s webpage must followed. Additionally, the authors should: 

1. information about the individual contribution of the authors
2. present the manuscript following Open Science good practices;
3. indicate if the manuscript was submitted to the Preprints system and be in agreement with the Open Peer Review Process;
4. accept the Journal's Copyright Policy: the copyright of the published manuscript remains with the Author and the journal keeps the right of first publication;
5. participate in the Review and Final Approval of the manuscript before its definitive publication;
6. agree that the submitted manuscripts and, consequently accepted and published, will receive DOI marking;
7. submit your manuscript containing three to five keywords in the language of the text
8. to strictly follow the standardization of the references available on the page of the Journal - TEMPLATE and bibliographical references ABNT-NBR 6023-2018.

The Aurora Journal does not charge a submission or publication fee for submitted manuscripts (articles, reviews, interviews).



Authors' Contribution


Identify in the submission form the individual contribution of each author, which must as a minimum a. have actively participated in the discussion of the results and b. in the review and approval of the final version of the manuscript. The journal adopts CRediT Taxonomy to represent the information about the individual contribution of the authors. It is suggested that authors consult the following information before submitting their manuscripts:



Manuscript Preparation


a) Papers must be submitted directly via the Journal's electronic system. Questions can be sent to

b) The text should be typed in Word for Windows, in the formatting template available on the website. It should be between 10 and 15 pages (or a maximum of 7000 words) for articles and 5 pages for reviews and interviews, including references. The files must NOT contain any Author identification;

c) Illustrations (figures, graphs, etc.) should be limited to the minimum indispensable (noting that the title should also be indicated in the text where the illustration will be inserted), identified, and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. The digitalized images must each be sent in a separate file, with extension .jpg or .tif and a minimum resolution of 300 dpi;

d) Charts and tables must be kept to a minimum and sent separately from the text (noting that the title must also be indicated in the text where the chart/table will be inserted), identified, and numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers.



Article Submission Format


a) Articles, reviews, and interviews may be written in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, and Portuguese.

b) All articles, reviews, and interviews must be unpublished and not be submitted for simultaneous evaluation in other periodicals. Articles should be submitted ANONYMOUSLY.

c) Statements, opinions, and concepts expressed in the articles are the authors' responsibility.

d) All articles will be submitted to the Journal's editorial board and the peer review and blind-review process.

e) Full address, affiliation, telephone, e-mail, curriculum vitae, and ORCID must be included at the end of the papers.

f) Color photos will not be published except in cases of absolute necessity and at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

g) Authors must hold a Doctoral degree.

h) Aurora will not publish any manuscripts from the same authors within 3 (three) years; the Editorial Board will evaluate the publication of Reviews, Interviews, Essays, and Translations;

i) Works signed by up to two Authors, both holding a DOCTORATE title, will be published;

j) Failure to comply with the Editorial Guidelines will automatically result in the EXCLUSION of the manuscript in the system.

k) DOI registration will be carried out by Editora CUBO.


Original Publication Presentation

a) Papers must be submitted directly via the Journal's electronic system. Questions can be sent to

b) The text should be typed in Word for Windows, in the formatting template available on the website. It should be between 10 and 15 pages (or a maximum of 7000 words) for articles and 5 pages for reviews and interviews, including references. The files must NOT contain any Author identification.



Digital Assets


Illustrations (figures, graphs, etc.) should be limited to the minimum indispensable (noting that the title should also be indicated in the text where the illustration will be inserted), identified, and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. The digitalized images must each be sent in a separate file, with extension .jpg or .tif and a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Charts and tables must be kept to a minimum and sent separately from the text (noting that the title must also be indicated in the text where the chart/table will be inserted), identified, and numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers. 



Citations and References



References must be cited in the text by the AUTHOR (date) system according to ABNT. Example:

  • When authors are part of the text: According to Freitas (2002);
  • Two authors example: According to Junqueira and Souza (2002);
  • More than three authors, example: To Prado et al. (2002).
  • When authors are not part of the text: With Gutenberg's invention of movable types, information became popular (BUFREN, 1997).
  • Citation of citation: For Matos (1990, p. 12) apud Bill (1998, p. 52).

*Important: This last model of quotation citation should be avoided as much as possible.

Citations up to 3 lines long should be within the text in double quotation marks; Citations longer than 3 lines should be indented.


The footnotes should be explanatory, complement the subject at hand, be located in the lower margin of the same page where the call number received in the text occurs, and should be in Arabic numerals



SEARLE, J. Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969.


CÉSAR, C. M.; ALMEIDA, D. M.; DARTIGUES, A. Paul Ricoeur: ensaios. São Paulo: Paulus, 1998.


O’HEAR, A. et al. Karl Popper: filosofia e problemas. São Paulo: EDUNESP, 1997.


RORTY, R. Solidariedade ou objetividade? In: RORTY, R. Objetivismo, relativismo e verdade: escritos filosóficos I. Trad. Marco Antônio Casanova. Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumará, 1997. p. 37-54


BRANQUINHO, J. Indexical Sinn: Fregeanism versus Millianism. Revista de Filosofia Aurora, v. 26, n. 39, p. 465-486, jul./dez. 2014.


SOUZA, C. E. B. Funcionalismo, evolução e relativismo no Übei Gewissheite de Wittgenstein. Abstracta: Linguagem, Mente, Ação, v. 1, n. 1, 2004. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 3 jan. 2011.



Funding Statement

  Report sources of support for the work, including names of sponsors and contract numbers (if any), along with explanations of the role of these sources  




Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
Editora PUCPRESS | Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia

Rua Imaculada Conceição, nº 1155
Bairro Prado Velho
Postcode: 80215-901 - City: Curitiba - State: Parana/Brazil

+55 (41) 3271-1701

Main Contact
Léo Peruzzo Júnior
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUCPR
Telefone +55 (41) 3271-2626

Technical Support Contact
Prof. Dr. Léo Peruzzo Júnior
Telefone +55 (41) 3271-2626



Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Editora PUCPRESS - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia Rua Imaculada Conceição, nº 1155, Bairro Prado Velho., CEP: 80215-901 , Tel: +55 (41) 3271-1701 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil