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(Updated: 2024/04/12)

About the journal




Published uninterruptedly until 1997, Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brazileiros (RIEB) was created in 1966. Due to the very nature of the Institute, it has always had a multidisciplinary character, covering different trends and lines of research and opening its pages to researchers of an enormous diversity of institutions. In several areas of knowledge, the edition was part of the movement to renew Brazilian studies, having been one of the main vehicles for disseminating scientific knowledge from Brazilian universities and their postgraduate programs between 1970 and 1990. The IEB's vast collection, which today brings together documents from fundamental names in Brazilian culture, such as Alberto Lamego, Anita Malfatti, Caio Prado Jr., Camargo Guarnieri, Graciliano Ramos, Guimarães Rosa, Mário de Andrade, Osman Lins, Pierre Monbeig, Yan de Almeida Prado, among others. RIEB creates a debate space designed to cover a multiplicity of themes, currents of thought and lines of research, re-emerged in September 2006 with the proposal to integrate the different branches of the humanities, accepting the challenge of thinking critically about Brazil and facilitating dialogue between areas of knowledge, without however making concessions regarding the specificities and technical rigor of specialized readings. Furthermore, and with the same purpose of hosting debates in which knowledge from different sources is confronted, the publication opens its pages both to analyzes of problems in contemporary Brazil and to reflections that investigate theoretical dimensions of Brazilian studies. In this sense, it faces the challenge of establishing itself as a space that brings together – but does not harmonize – the countless frontiers of knowledge.



Compliance with Open Science 


RIEB has been gradually adapting to meet the requirements of Open Science. At the moment we follow practices such as the open access policy, the code of ethics for authors and editors and the dissemination of published work on social networks.



Ethics in Publishing


RIEB is committed to promoting, directly and indirectly, values related to scientific ethics, in accordance with the premises raised by the Committee on Publications on Ethics (COPE), especially in its document "Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing".

Since the continuous publication format was adopted, articles are also received/submitted continuously throughout the year, allowing them to be published in the SciELO Brazil Collection as soon as they are approved and edited, with an average processing time of four months. As it does not have a set periodicity, this type of publication allows for greater agility in the dissemination of research as it speeds up the availability of results for reading and citation.

RIEB is not responsible for the opinions or concepts expressed by the authors in their articles and is committed to ethical editorial principles that promote responsible academic conduct in research by all those involved in the editorial process - authors, editors and reviewers.

Excerpts that could be considered offensive, slanderous, aggressive, prejudiced, cause misunderstandings or compromise the clarity of the ideas proposed in the texts - recognizing and respecting the multiplicity of points of view on a subject - will be discussed confidentially with the author.

RIEB uses different methods to verify the authenticity and originality of the texts submitted for peer review. Detecting parts of other people's texts without including the original source or reproducing the whole or part of a text that has already been published (self-plagiarism) in another journal (national or foreign) or made available on any type of online platform without duly pointing out this information may be considered unethical and result in the text being refused publication in RIEB. In addition, this detection process is time-consuming, as it involves consulting different mechanisms, wasting precious work time on issuing opinions, editing and preparing/revising the text. The author must sign a form, sent by RIEB after their article has been approved, guaranteeing that the text is unpublished.

If any type of unethical behavior is identified - plagiarism, manipulation of citations, tampering with data or falsification of results, misappropriation of third-party content, absence of relevant authorizations, discrimination, use of the same text to generate several publications, submission of the same article in several journals, violation of copyright, failure to indicate co-authorship, among others - the author will be notified by the editors.

Violations of any of the RIEB's ethical principles which, for whatever reason, cannot be resolved by the editors will be reported to the Editorial Board for a procedure to be defined, which will intervene to take the appropriate measures, referring the case, if necessary, to higher authorities at the University of São Paulo.

In a complementary manner, RIEB is also guided by the guidelines established by:

  • Agency for Libraries and Digital Collections (ABCD/USP) - Integrity and prevention of plagiarism (
  • University of São Paulo (USP) - Guide to good scientific practices (


Focus and Scope


The mission of the Journal of the Institute of Brazilian Studies (RIEB) is to reflect on Brazilian society by articulating multiple areas of knowledge. In this sense, it is committed to publishing original and unpublished articles, reviews and documents - in the areas of anthropology/archaeology, arts, political science/international relations, economics, education/teaching, philosophy, geography, history, interdisciplinary, linguistics/literature, museology, psychology, sociology - related to Brazilian studies.



Digital Preservation


With regard to backup, redundancy and digital preservation, the Agency for Libraries and Digital Collections (ABCD/USP) is a partner of the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services - Cariniana, coordinated by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict), and promotes internal studies to improve policies and procedures, according to the link:



Indexing Sources




  • Journal title: Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brazileiros
  • Short title: Rev. Inst. Estud. Bras.
  • Published by: Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB/USP)
  • Type of publication: continuous publication
  • Year the journal was created: 1966


Websites and Social Medias



Editorial Policy




We are adapting to the new criteria for preprints.



Peer review process


In order to ensure the integrity of the blind peer review, submissions to the journal must take care not to reveal the identity of either the authors of the manuscripts or the referees during the process. This requires authors, editors and reviewers (who can send documents to the system as part of the evaluation process) to take certain precautions with the text and document properties:

1. The author of the document must delete their name from the text, replacing it with "Author".

2. The authors' affiliation to the respective institution, e-mail address and mini-resume should also be deleted.

3. In Microsoft Office documents, the identification of the authors must be removed from the document properties:

Step 1

a) Archive the original text and check a copy of the document.

b) Open the copy and delete the author's name (replacing it with "Author"), affiliation (*), identification of "sponsorship" or origin of the text (**) etc., placing asterisks in their place. Check the entire file, excluding mini-resume and e-mail, for example.

c) Click on the Microsoft Office button (top left). Go to Prepare and click Inspect document.

d) In the Document Inspector dialog box, select all the boxes that appear.

e) Click Inspect.

f) Next to each selected box, click Remove All.

g) Close the file and save your changes.

Step 2

a) Locate the file in the folder where it was saved. Right-click on it and open its Properties.

b) On the Details tab, click Remove properties and personal information, which appears (usually in blue) at the bottom of the window.

c) Check the box labeled Remove the following properties from this file.

d) Click on Select all (bottom right) and Ok.

4. It is the author's responsibility to send a file that does not identify him or her in order to guarantee an impartial evaluation by the referees and so that the text is not discarded.



Open data


Following open science guidelines, RIEB follows practices such as the open access policy, the code of ethics for authors and editors and the dissemination of published work on social networks. Authors are instructed to insert the data set (data, codes and materials) that identifies the material used in their research, based on level 1 of the TOP Guide (Guide to promote the openness, transparency and reproducibility of research published by SciELO journals).





RIEB does not charge any fees for sending, submitting, evaluating or approving articles.



Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata and Retraction follow SciELO policy


We follow SciELO's good practice guide for strengthening ethics in scientific publishing, through the document:

The journal's position regarding the retraction policy it adopts in cases of misconduct is the SciELO Good Practice Guide:

For the registration and publication of errata we also follow the model indicated by SciELO:



Conflict of Interest Policy


All participants in the peer review and publication process - not only authors, but also reviewers, editors and journal editorial board members - must consider and disclose their relationships and activities when fulfilling their roles in the article editing process.


a. Authors

When authors submit a manuscript of any type or format, they are responsible for disclosing all relationships and activities that could distort or be perceived as biasing their work.


b. Reviewers

Reviewers should be asked, at the time they are asked to review a manuscript, about relationships or activities that could compromise their opinion. They should not use their knowledge of the work they are reviewing prior to publication to promote their own interests.


c. Editors and journal staff

Editors should abstain from editorial decisions if they have relationships or activities that represent potential conflicts related to the articles submitted. Other members of the editorial team who participate in editorial decisions should provide editors with an up-to-date description of their relationships or activities (as they may relate to editorial judgments) and abstain from any decisions in which there is an interest that represents a potential conflict.



Adoption of similarity checking software


We use iThenticate software to help the author identify passages in their manuscript that could be flagged by journals for accidental plagiarism. We send you an iThenticate assessment and a report that will guide you to make it clear in your manuscript where you are building on the work of others. Based on the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE .



Sex and Gender Issues


RIEB follows the policy indicated by USP for diversity, sex, gender and others: . However, the RIEB editorial team, as well as the authors who publish in the journal, must always observe the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines. The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis and the results and interpretation of findings. In addition, RIEB observes the policy of gender equity in the formation of its editorial board.



Ethics Committee


The RIEB follows Resolution No. 4871 of October 22, 2001, Chapter III - Publications:

Article 28 - Members of the University are prohibited from: I - in the preparation of articles and reports, falsify data about their publications; II - in their publications, fail to give credit to collaborators and others who have contributed to obtaining the results contained therein; III - use, without reference to the author or without their express authorization, information, opinions or data not yet published; IV - present as original any ideas, discoveries or illustrations, in the form of text, images, graphic representations or any other medium, which in reality are not; V - falsify data or misrepresent their scientific interpretation; VI - falsify data about their previous academic life.





Authors undertake to inform any future parties interested in acquiring copyright over their texts of the content of the Authorization Agreement signed for the publication of their works in RIEB. In accordance with the DOAJ guidelines and the CC-BY license, copyright belongs to the authors, who grant RIEB the right of first publication.



Intellectual property and terms of use


The authors undertake to inform any future parties interested in acquiring any copyright in their texts of the content of the Authorization Agreement signed for the publication of the works in RIEB, as well as allowing the journal to disseminate the texts under the terms of the  CC-BY license.

CC-BY attribution. All the content of the journal and the articles published by RIEB, except where otherwise specified, are licensed under the  CC-BY license.

Authors of articles published by RIEB retain the copyright of their work by licensing it under the  CC-BY license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, provided that the original work is correctly cited.

RIEB encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation to the journal's website version is included.



Sponsors and Funding Agencies 


Accreditation and Financial Support from: USP Scientific Publications Support Program - Committee




Editorial board





Editorial Board





Advisory Board



Executive Editor



Technical Team

  • Preparation and proofreading of texts

Cleusa Conte Machado (Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil) – revistaieb@usp.br

  • Layout

Flávio Alves Machado (Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil) – revistaieb@usp.br



Instructions to authors



RIEB accepts articles about: anthropology/archaeology, arts, political science/international relations, economics, education/teaching, philosophy, geography, history, interdisciplinary, linguistics/literature, psychology, museology, sociology, and is not responsible for the writing or the concepts issued by the contributors/authors. There is no payment of any kind for the authors of works submitted for analysis, whether they are published or not. Guidelines updated in January 2024.




  • Editorial
  • Articles - between 30,000 and 52,000 characters (including spaces). The only section open to submissions through the SciELO submission portal: Authors are responsible for sending images (maximum 10), captions and permission to use them. The minimum title required for authors in this section is doctoral student.
  • Creation - maximum 35,000 characters (including spaces). The aim is to publish texts and unpublished material by writers and/or artists, photographers, designers, as well as unpublished documents found in the IEB archives. Texts should be sent directly to the editors, who will then present the work and forward it to RIEB. Authors are responsible for sending images (maximum 15), captions and permission to use them. Texts nominated exclusively by the editors. The section does not receive texts for evaluation.
  • Documentation - maximum 30,000 characters (including spaces). Publication of texts related to documents and personal archives held in the collections of the Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB/USP). Authors are responsible for sending images (maximum 10), captions and authorization to use them. Texts nominated exclusively by the editors. The section does not receive texts for evaluation.
  • Reviews - between 5,000 and 20,000 characters (including spaces). Space reserved for critical analysis of works related to Brazilian studies. Image only of the cover of the work reviewed. Texts indicated exclusively by the editors. The section does not receive texts for evaluation.


Criteria for submitting and publishing articles


I - General conditions

RIEB is published every four months on a continuous basis. It is multidisciplinary in nature and publishes original and unpublished articles, reviews and documents related to Brazilian studies (in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and English).

For continuous publication in the SciELO Brazil Collection, RIEB accepts articles by authors with at least a doctoral degree, enrolled in regular postgraduate programs in Brazil and abroad.

Texts to be submitted for consideration and possible publication, exclusively in the Articles section, by RIEB must be submitted in digital format through the SciELO submissions portal:

The articles will be evaluated by two referees (double blind peer review), taking into account the authenticity and originality of the work.

  1. In case of disagreement, more referees will be heard.
  2. The referees have 21 days to issue their opinions.
  3. The average time for publication is four months, including the evaluation, editing and finalization processes. As this is a continuous publication, articles are made available as soon as they have been approved by the referees and after text editing.

RIEB reserves the right to adapt the material submitted to its editorial project and graphic standards. The authors undertake to authorize the journal to publish the texts under the terms of the CC-BY license.


II - Responsibilities

Authors undertake to inform any future parties interested in acquiring copyright over their texts of the contents of the Authorization Agreement signed for the publication of their works in RIEB. The authors undertake to authorize the journal to publish the texts under the terms of the CC-BY license.

No translations or interviews are allowed.

The authors of the articles are strictly responsible for reproducing the images and for the terms of authorization if there is a copyright holder. These images must contain titles, credits and captions.

RIEB is not responsible for the wording or concepts expressed by the contributors/authors of the articles.

The authors guarantee that the article is unpublished and is not being evaluated by any other publication. In the case of chapters of master's dissertations or doctoral theses available in digital repositories, this must be stated in a note at the beginning of the text inserted in the file after blind peer review.


III - Form and preparation of originals - standardization of submitted work

1. Formatting

Program: word, .doc format; page size: A4; margins: 2.5 cm; font: times new roman; body: 12; interline: 1.5.

2. Number of characters

Articles - between 30,000 and 52,000 characters (including spaces).

Creation* - maximum 35,000 characters (including spaces).

Reviews* - between 5,000 and 20,000 characters (including spaces).

*sections intended exclusively for texts defined by the editors, not open to manuscript submissions.

3. Title of the text

The title of the text is the first thing to attract the reader's attention. It should be succinct (around 90 characters, without punctuation), clear, objective and concise, giving the content of the author's analysis in the manuscript. The use of a few words and the absence of signs (asterisks, colons, dashes, any other type of punctuation) make the title visually clearer, making it easier to interest the reader.

4. Quotations

The form of citation must follow the ABNT NBR 10520/2023 standard (Information and documentation - Quotations in documents - Presentation, second edition, 2023).

4.1. To indicate the source, use the system (AUTHOR, date, p.) immediately after the citation.

4.2. Every citation must be followed by this indication, allowing it to be identified in the references. If there are two or more works by the same author in the same year, it is necessary to add letters (a, b, c...) next to the year so that the publication can be identified.

4.3. It is compulsory to indicate the sources of all quotations, even if they are from the author's own previously published texts, as there are now many tools for checking plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

4.4. We do not use the terms idem/ibidem, op. cit. In the case of several quotations from the same work, the source must be repeated in full in the form (AUTHOR, date, p.).

4.5. If the name of the author of the quoted text is already included in the sentence and the quotation is direct, ipsis litteris the original text, it is necessary to add the date and page number in brackets. E.g.: According to Candido (1988, p. 53), "comparative literature was instituted...". See: item 6.1 Author-date system (ABNT NBR 10520/2023).

4.6. When quoting from an old text, it is generally possible to update the spelling, bringing it into line with the rules laid down in the New Orthographic Agreement. It is simply a matter of adjusting the terms to the new grammatical and/or spelling standards. If there is a scientific/academic justification for keeping the original form or if the update could compromise the understanding of the text or the context in which it was produced, a note should be inserted clarifying this issue: "In the citations, the spelling and punctuation of the original texts have been maintained".

4.7. In direct quotations from texts that contain any type of error (typo, incorrect spelling, inadequate agreement, term with inadequate meaning, etc.), the Latin term [sic] should be inserted: "The show premiered [sic] in the second week of August". However, it is possible to make the necessary corrections in cases where these small "mistakes" are unintentional. In other words, spelling, agreement and punctuation errors can be corrected in the transcription, preventing the error from being perpetuated in another publication or appearing careless in the editing of the text.

4.8. Direct quotations of up to three lines should be included in the normal body of the text, in double quotation marks. Single quotation marks should be used to indicate a quotation within a quotation. Include (AUTHOR, year, p.) immediately after each quotation. Only use apud (according to, according to, according to, cited by) when it is not possible to access the publication (out-of-print works, for example) from which the excerpt was actually taken.

4.9. From four lines onwards, quotations, without quotation marks, must be separated by one line (before and after), body 11, 2 cm from the left margin, line 1.5, justified text, with (AUTHOR, year, p.) immediately after. Avoid long transcriptions or transcriptions with a reservation/prohibition of unauthorized quotation sign so as not to circumvent any kind of copyright.

4.10. Deletions, interpolations, comments should be indicated with square brackets: [...], [still according to him] etc. It should be noted, however, that this type of interference in someone else's text must not alter or cast doubt on the original meaning.

4.11. When the text is translated from another language or there is typographical highlighting that does not appear in the original passage, in addition to the details of the work from which the quotation was taken, the following should be indicated: (SMITH, 1989, p. 13 - our/my/our translation); (SOUZA, 2017, p. 8 - our/my emphasis).

4.12. If there are more authors with the same surname and the same year of publication, indicate the first name: (SOUZA, Américo, ano).

5. Summary/abstract, images, footnotes, author information

5.1. If the work has been financially supported by any institution or has been based on another article, master's thesis or doctoral dissertation, this information should be inserted at the beginning of the text, after the summary of the referees has been received (to ensure blind peer review), below the name(s) of the author(s), and contain a maximum of 250 characters, including spaces.

5.2. Summary and abstract - with three keywords - should together contain a maximum of 1,300 characters (including spaces).

5.3. Figures include illustrations, graphs, charts, photographs, images and tables. They must be numbered sequentially and contain their respective captions beginning with the term in bold Figure 1 -, with titles, captions and credits. The reference to these figures should be indicated in the text with the designation (Figure 1), guiding the reading and making it easier for the reader to verify the data appearing in the images. Captions should avoid repeating information contained in the text. Authors are solely responsible for the dissemination of images, including those involving copyright.

5.4. After having their article checked by referees, receiving the summary with their guidelines and having the publication of their article confirmed, the author must include a brief text (around 200 characters, including spaces) before the references, with information about their main activity, including their institutional affiliation, their e-mail address and their orcid identifier (registration is done at: Example:




MARIA DA SILVA is a professor in the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics at the Institute of Language Studies of the State University of Campinas (IEL/Unicamp).



6. References

6.1. The accuracy of the data contained in the references is the sole responsibility of the author.

6.2. References must follow ABNT standard NBR 6023/2018 (Information and documentation - References - Elaboration, second edition, 2018). The source must be inserted immediately after the citation in the system (AUTHOR, date, p.).

6.3. Notes are explanatory (not bibliographical), must be inserted in the footer with Arabic numerals (body 10, single spaced) and contain a maximum of six lines. Too many or too large notes can break the rhythm of the analysis and draw attention away from information that should be set out in the text itself, compromising the understanding of the author's arguments. The number of notes in the body of the text is high.

6.4. The list of references (body 11) should be included at the end of the text, in alphabetical order by the author's surname. It should contain all indications of sources that have been used in the article, with the second line indented in the third letter of the first line. This list should not include works that have not been cited or texts that are under review in journals, only what is actually published or awaiting publication (in press).

6.5. When available online, it is mandatory to inform the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and/or URL of each bibliographic reference.


Books/book chapters - enter the data as it appears on the title page

HOLANDA, Sérgio Buarque de. The sower and the tiler. In: HOLANDA, Sérgio Buarque de. Roots of Brazil. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1997, ch. 4, p. 93-138.

HOLANDA, Sérgio Buarque de. Visão do paraíso: os motivos edênicos do descobrimento e colonização do Brazil. São Paulo: Braziliense/Publifolha, 2000.

Newspaper/periodical articles - not inserted In: before periodical names

CHASLES, Virginie. Urban health and hygienism: the example of France. Translation by Eliane Kuvasney. Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brazileiros, n. 64, p. 65-74, 2016.

ALENCAR, José Roberto de. The people who are leaving. Jornal do Brazil, July 2, 1990, p. 5

Newspaper articles without author - not inserted In: before the names of periodicals

CORDELIST denounces threat against his death. Diário de Pernambuco, March 17, 1098, p. 11.


MARTINS, Maria Luana et al. Ancient Greece: the position of women from a male perspective. In: UNIFACIG SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR - Society, Science and Technology, 5, 2019. Proceedings [...]. Available at: Accessed on: September 10, 2020.

Oral presentations

GARCIA, Walter. Cordiality, melancholy, modernity: the work of João Gilberto. Closing conference. Oral communication. In: SEMINAR OF POST-GRADUATION: LITERATURE, SOCIETY AND HISTORY OF LITERATURE, 2. Institute of Letters, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, 2017.

Lattes CV

ANJOS JÚNIOR, Moacir dos. Curriculum of the Lattes curriculum system. [Brasília], 15 Dec. 2019. Available at: Accessed on: 20 Jan. 2018.

Date of first publication

It is unnecessary to indicate the date of first publication for all texts, unless this information is relevant to understanding the context of the work:

ALMEIDA, Júlia Lopes de. (1906). Livro das donas e donzelas. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Livraria Francisco Alves, 1922a.

ALMEIDA, Júlia Lopes de. (1910). Them and them. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Francisco Alves, 1922b.


GERALDINHO. O causo da bicicleta. In: GERALDINHO. Trova, prosa e viola. V. 1. Participation by André e Andrade, Hamilton Carneiro. Directed by Hamilton Carneiro.

In the case of a collection, the entry is made by title:

TRACY CHAPMAN. São Paulo: Elektra, 1988. L. A, 1 disk (15 min.): 33 1/3rpm, micro-sulco, stereo. 670.4170-A.

DOI - required for virtual documents

CHASLES, Virginie. Urban health and hygienism, the example of France. Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brazileiros, n. 64, Aug. 2016, p. 65-74.


MANO BROWN. Papo recto: today, Mano Brown is peace and love. [Marcos Lauro. Vip, Aug. 21, 2017. Available at: Accessed on: Feb. 6, 2018.

ANDRADE, Mário de. Conversation with Mário de Andrade. [Interview granted to] Martins Castello. Diário Carioca, n. 1.848, 2nd section, August 5, 1934.


THE NAME OF THE ROSE. Produced by Jean-Jaques Annaud. São Paulo: Tw Vídeo distribuidora, 1986. 1 Videocassette (130 min.): VHS, Ntsc, son., color. Subtitled. Port.


IMS - Moreira Salles Institute. Music collection. Available at: Accessed on: July 20, 2018.


INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS, 1., Proceedings [...]. Rio de Janeiro: Fluminense Federal University. Available at: Accessed on: August 20, 2018.


ALBERT SABIN. In: WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia. Florida: Wikimedia Foundation, 2020. Available at: Accessed on: Aug. 8, 2020.

DEMOCRACY. In: WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia. Florida: Wikimedia Foundation, 2020. Available at: Accessed on: May 21, 2020.


COMITÊ GESTOR DA INTERNET NO BRAZIL. Internet Forum in Brazil - What is 2012. Available at: Accessed on: October 13, 2014.



Use of Open Journal Systems - OJS on the SciELO portal


I. Registration

Authors must register via the following link: As it is a continuous publication, RIEB receives submissions through the SciELO portal, also continuously, without interruption.


II. Double blind peer review

In order to ensure the integrity of blind peer review, submissions to the journal must take care not to reveal the identity of either the authors of the manuscripts or the referees during the process. This requires authors, editors and reviewers (who can send documents to the system as part of the evaluation process) to take certain precautions with the text and document properties:

1.  The author of the document must delete their name from the text, replacing it with "Author".

2.  The authors' affiliation to the respective institution, e-mail address and mini-resume should also be deleted.

3.  In Microsoft Office documents, the identification of the authors must be removed from the document properties:

Step 1

a) Archive the original text and check a copy of the document.

b) Open the copy and delete the author's name (replacing it with "Author"), affiliation (*), identification of "sponsorship" or origin of the text (**) etc., placing asterisks in their place. Check the entire file, excluding mini-resume and e-mail, for example.

c) Click on the Microsoft Office Button (top left). Go to Prepare and click Inspect Document.

d) In the Document Inspector dialog box, select all the boxes that appear.

e) Click Inspect.

f) Next to each selected box, click Remove All.

g) Close the file and save your changes.

Step 2

a) Locate the file in the folder where it was saved. Right-click on it and open its Properties.

b) On the Details tab, click Remove properties and personal information, which appears (usually in blue) at the bottom of the window.

c) Check the box labeled Remove the following properties from this file.

d) Click on Select all (bottom right) and Ok.

4.  It is the authors' responsibility to send a file that does not identify them, in order to guarantee an impartial assessment by the referees and so that their text is not discarded.

5.  If the article is approved, on receiving the summary with the referees' guidelines, the author must include in the file all the data previously extracted so as not to identify the authorship of the text: name, institution to which they are affiliated (full name, acronym, city, state, country), mini-resume/small presentation (maximum 5 lines), e-mail etc.


III. Continuous online submission

Authors can send their work via the following link:

Articles must be sent in accordance with the formatting rules and conditions for submitting articles to RIEB.

The maximum size allowed for uploading files to the OJS system is 10MB.

The format allowed is only .doc, .docx or editable; pdf or closed files are not accepted.

Images, as well as their respective captions (with full reference to authorship, copyright-holding institution and authorization for publication), must be numbered and inserted in the body of the text.





Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brazileiros (RIEB)

Instituto de Estudos Brazileiros (IEB)

Espaço Braziliana

Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 78, sala 13

05508-010 Cidade Universitária - São Paulo - SP

+55 11 3091-1149




Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros Espaço Brasiliana, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 78 - Cidade Universitária, 05508-010 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel. (55 11) 3091-1149 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil